Older NewsNEWS New Artist PhotosMy new portrait photos - including my CD cover picture - were taken by Michael Clemens. You can see some of them in my Photo Album. Some online recordingsIn addition to my Mass Missa in honorem Beati Hemmingi Episcopi, also several videos with Finnish piano music of Ilmari Hannikainen, Jean Sibelius and Oskar Merikanto are available on my Youtube Account. Check also the new sound recordings (Liszt, Grieg, Brahms etc.) on my Soundcloud Account. My mass on the Finnish radio YLE 1 and on Youtube
Listen to the beloved radio programm of Risto Nordell, Riston valinta (in Finnish). 2021 CD: "Finnish Impressions"![]() My CD "Finnish Impressions" is out! On the album I play Finnish music: Jean Sibelius, Ilmari Hannikainen, Helvi Leiviskä and myself as composers. :-) The CD contains several first recordings.
"Finnish Impressions" is published by Alba Records. The CD will soon be available at their web shop. Thank you to the producer Erkki Nisonen and the tonmeister Michael Havenstein for excellent co-operation.
Premiere of my Mass "Blessed Hemming"![]() I am feeling happy and thankful after the successful premiere of my Missa in honorem Beati Hemmingi Episcopi (or simply Mass of Blessed Hemming). It was wonderful to hear this liturgical composition, which I worked on for 8 years, in its natural setting, i.e. as part of a solemn Catholic mass in the medieval cathedral of Turku. It was here that Blessed Bishop Hemming worked in the 14th century.
The Mass I composed for mixed choir, string orchestra and organ was premiered at the celebration of the Finnish Catholic Diocese at the Turku Cathedral on 13 August 2022. The performers were the Suomen Laulu Choir and the St. Michel Strings (Mikkeli City Orchestra) conducted by Esko Kallio, as well as organist Pilvi Listo. My Mass is written in honor of the Blessed Bishop Hemming (1290-1366). It is late romantic in style and its duration is altogether about 35 minutes. I wrote this piece for eight years and finally completed it in 2020.
You can read more about my feelings after this unique event here. Photo by Marko Tervaportti. Concert at the Nordischer Klang festivalYou can also listen to the broadcast of my Concert at the "Nordischer Klang" festival in Greifswald. All-Finnish-Recital was recorded by the NDR. I played music by Jean Sibelius, Ilmari Hannikainen, Oskar Merikanto and myself. Listen to the German radio Programm of NDR Kultur here. Photo: Christine Nickel
Read my article on Ilmari Hannikainen's Piano Quartet op. 2 (in Finnish)You can read this article and other writings on Finnish music here. Four Short Films on Johannes Brahms
This documentary project was made together with the film director Paula Saraste from 2012 to 2014, the concept and script were mine. I also played the piano. The films are now available on my Youtube Account. You can also watch the short films on my website. 9/2021 Stipendium of the Art Promotion Centre Finland I was awarded a scholarship of 6.000€ for my artistic work - both composition and performance. Really happy and grateful for this grant! New university position From 2018, I belong again to the staff of the Sibelius-Academy at the University of Arts in Finland as an artistic guest researcher (post doc). I research the Finnisch 20th century composer Ilmari Hannikainen and perform and record his music. I look forward to exchange my knowledge with other academic scholars and students of the Sibelius-Academy! 2019/2 Top reviews from the concert in Walderbach (Bavaria) with the flutist Kaori Higashida-Tokoyoda At the charming concert series at the Walderbach Abbey I was delighted to perform with the flutist Kaori Higashida-Tokoyoda. The good review in German can be read here. 2017/7 Successful concert at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival On Sunday 9th of July 2017 I had a chance to perform at one of the biggest festivals of the world, Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. I had a great pleasure to work together with excellent musicians: the violinist Nina Karmon, the violist Wen-Xiao Zheng and the cellist Niklas Eppinger. We played Finnish romantic music. The concert was a success and it was attended by an audience of almost 2000 people.
NEWS 2016/1 Good critic for the concert of the Dostal piano quartett in Kaufbeuren (Bavaria) Read the article in German here. Upcoming concerts: 6th of March 2016 Schwartzsche Villa, Berlin. With the violinist Nina Karmon Listen to Terhi's newest composition Geistliche Übung 265 (written in 2015) and some other LIVE recordings are now available on Soundcloud. NEWS 2015/10Next concerts: November 7 in Kaufbeuren, Germany with Dostal Pianoquartett. November 20 in Berlin, Germany, Schwartzsche Villa with the flutist Kaori Higashida. December 8 in Berlin, Germany, at the Passionskirche. December 29 in Meggen, Switzerland, at the Schloss Meggenhorn with the violinist Nina Karmon. NEWS 2014/7New Management From 2014 on, Terhi Dostal will be represented by the Concert Office of Seeli Toivio. Terhi Dostal's composition Ave Maria Mater Dolorosa Listen to my newest composition Ave Maria Mater Dolorosa now on Youtube! The concert performance is by Suomen Laulu Choir, Esko Kallio and Pilvi Listo-Tervaportti. Terhi Dostal's New Blog I have started a blog in WordPress! You can find it here. NEWS 2014/5Terhi Dostal's next concert / Terhi Dostals nächstes Konzert in Berlin "Frühlingsrauschen" 18.5.2013 at 5 pm Chopin, Brahms, Gried and Sinding Further performances / weitere Auftritte Terhi Dostal performs also 25.5. at 7 pm in the Finnland-Zentrum, Schleiermacherstr. 24a, 10961 Berlin 17.6. at 4 pm at the Hamburger Rathaus, Hamburg New church music composition by Terhi Dostal will be premiered in May 2014
Terhi Dostalin sävellyksen Ave Maria Mater Dolorosa kantaesittää tunnettu suomalainen kuoro Suomen Laulu. Teos kuullaan seuraavissa konserteissa: 7.5.2014 Concert at 7 pm Munkkivuoren kirkko / Munkkivuori Church, Raumantie 3, 350 Helsinki, Finland. 9.5.2014 Concert at 7 pm Vihdin kirkko / Vihti Church, Kirkkotie, 03400 Vihti, Finland. 10.5.2014 Concert at 4 pm Jaani Kirik / St. John's Church, Vabaduse väljak 1, 10146 Tallinn, Estonia. 5.6.2014 Concert at 6 pm St. Henrik's Cathedral, Pyhän Henrikin aukio 1, 00140 Helsinki, Finland. NEWS 2014/4Premiere of Four short films on Johannes Brahms in Helsinki 11.4.2014 pe klo 18 Ensi-illassa nähdään neljän lyhytelokuvan sarja, joka kertoo säveltäjä Johannes Brahmsista ja hänen suhteestaan romanttiseen runouteen. Lue lisää/Read more... NEWS 2014/2Four short films on Johannes Brahms by Terhi Dostal & Paula Saraste are now online! These four short documentary films tell about several themes of my Doctoral Thesis in an easily digestible way. They were filmed 2013 in Helsinki (Music Centre Studio), Berlin (Ballhaus Rixdorf Studios) and in several places in Brandenburg (Cloister Zinna, Schloss Wiepersdorf). The project was funded by the Sibelius-Academy Development Centre. You can watch all these films online in the Siba-TV by clicking the links. Read more... Here you can watch them: II. Brahms's Fairy Tale Romanticism IV. Brahms's Romantic Ballade Edward New Management From 2014 on, Terhi Dostal will be represented by the Concert Office of Seeli Toivio. NEWS 2014/1Brahms Documentary Still Photos The still photos of Terhi Dostal's upcoming Brahms Documentary project are now online. NEWS 2013/10Review in The Strad The Brahms CD of Terhi Dostal and Annemarie Åström receives an excellent review in the British music magazine The Strad: "(...) they phrase with elegance and spontaneity, and display a mature understanding of Brahms’s melodic construction. Their third movement of op.120 no.1 has all the requisite grace and Viennese lilt, and Dostal drives the work’s outer movements with urgent, incisive pianism. They make good sense of the often unmusically executed development and expressive coda of the first movement of op.120 no.2, and the lighter articulation of the period piano comes into its own in the scherzo. The contrasting characters of the finale’s variations are captured with commendable artistry, and the recorded sound is natural and warm." (Robin Stowell) Read the whole review here. NEWS 2013/8Terhi Dostal gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby boy in the 2nd of August in Berlin. The mother and her son are both doing well. She will be on maternity leave until the spring 2014. NEWS 2013/6Terhi Dostal's next concertTerhi Dostal will perform at the Valery Gergiev Festival in Mikkeli, Finland, in the 30th of June 2013. She will play solo piano pieces by Johannes Brahms and Alberto Ginastera and also songs and arias by Mussorgsky, Wolf et al. with two excellent Finnish singers: Arttu Kataja (baritone) and Timo Riihonen (bass). NEWS 2013/5Terhi Dostal and Annemarie Åström's new CD now available! Buy your copy here. CD release concerts in the 4th and 6th of June 2013 4 June 2013 at 7 pm 6 June 2013 at 8 pm NEWS 4/2012Terhi Dostal's next concert at the Kloster Walderbach (near Regensburg, Bavaria) Terhi Dostal performs in this concert with the well-known violinist Nina Karmon. Here the details: Saturday 20 April at 20 pm Tickets/Kartenvorverkauf: Gemeinde Walderbach, Tel.: 09464/9405-0 NEWS 3/2012Terhi Dostal's next concert will be in the Turku Castle, Finland, in the 9th of March 2013. She will perform Janacek's Concertino and Brahms's Clarinet trio with the players of the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra. NEWS 2013/1Terhi Dostal's concert in Berlin: New Year's Day 1.1.2013 at 5 pm. Kulturforum Hellersdorf, Carola-Neher-Str. 1, 12619 Berlin. NEWS 11/2012New Brahms recording
Terhi Dostal recorded a new Brahms CD with the violinist Annemarie Åström. She made this recording with the historical grand piano of the Viennese Fellinger Family, now owned by the Austrian Brahms Museum in Mürzzuschlag. Johannes Brahms played with this instrument numerous concerts in the 1880s. The recording will be published in April 2013 by the German recording company NCA Records. NEWS 10/2012Terhi's next concert in Austria Terhi performs in the Austrian Brahms Museum with the violinist Annemarie Åström in the 28th of October, at 6 pm. Invitation to the Museum Concerts (Brahms Museum Mürzzuschlag) We start the new concert season with Johannes Brahms's works which you have not yet heard: Together with the Finnish-Swedish violinist Annemarie Åström, the pianist Terhi Dostal presents Brahms's both sonatas Op. 120 as the composer's own version for violin instead of clarinet or viola. Terhi Dostal plays with the Brahms grand piano and will record this programme on a CD shortly after the concert. By the way: Brahms himself played these versions with this same Streicher grand piano 117 years ago at the house of the family Fellinger, together with Marie Soldat, who played the violin. Terhi's concerts in BerlinTerhi Dostal performs with the violinist Annemarie Åström in Berlin: Oct 12, Berlin7 pm, Kulturforum Hellersdorf. Carola-Neher-Straße 13 12619 Berlin. With Annemarie Åström. Brahms. Oct 14, Berlin6 pm, Gemeindesaal von der ev. Gemeinde in Kladow, Kladower Damm 369, 14089 Berlin. With Annemarie Åström. Brahms. Terhi's newest article about Brahms and Schumann available in the book Porrassalmi V (in Finnish)! Terhi Dostal: "Schumann Brahmsin esikuvana - ohjelmallisten viitteiden leikki ja tragiikka." ("Schumann as Brahms's role model - the playfulness and tragedy of the programmatic references".) Porrassalmi V. Etelä-Savon kulttuurin vuosikirja 2012. Savon Sotilasperinneyhdistys Porrassalmi, Mikkeli 2012. NEWS 9/2012Terhi becomes a NCA Records recording artist Terhi Dostal signed 19 September 2012 a recording contract with the international record label NCA Records which has its central office in Hamburg: www.ncamusic.com. Newest review of Terhi Dostal's CD Brahms Variations"The piano music of Brahms might have been my next choice even had I not just received a marvelous disc from SIBA, with Terhi Dostal playing four sets of the composer's variations. [...] Dostal paces it all well; the sound was rich, warm and powerful..." Stereophile, September 2012 (vol. 35 no 9, page 59). Listen to Terhi's Brahms PerformanceBrahms: Sonata Nr. 2 in F sharp minor Op. 2. Terhi Dostal, piano LIVE. NEWS 8/2012Listen to Terhi's performances: Debussy: Pour le piano. Terhi Dostal, piano (unedited recording) Bach: Partita in C minor BWV 997. Terhi Dostal, piano Scriabin: Sonata Nr. 3 in F sharp minor op. 23. Terhi Dostal, piano. Brahms: 7 Fantasies Op. 116, played by Terhi Dostal. LIVE recording from the Helsinki recital. Beethoven: Sonata in F minor Op. 57 "Appassionata", played by Terhi Dostal. LIVE recording from the Helsinki recital.
Terhi Dostal's new artist photos were taken by Thorsten Heideck in Berlin. Special thanks to the Finnish Culture Institute in Germany! See the pictures here. NEWS 7/2012Listen to this week's piece: Mendelssohn Fantasy Op. 28 played by Terhi Dostal Terhi Dostal receives outstanding critics at the Valery Gergiev Festival "Terhi Dostal’s honest musicianship convinced Terhi Dostal, better known for the Mikkeli people as Terhi Jääskeläinen, showed convincingly her expertise at Chopin and Brahms’s piano music at the Chamber Music Hall of Mikaeli. Johannes Brahms’s 16 Waltzes are, despite their musical challenges, more like sympathetic atmospheric pieces than truly concertizing music. Dostal formed the series of these miniatures naturally, underlining delicately the special character of every waltz. Frédéric Chopin’s Polonaise in C minor Op. 40 No. 2 has remained in vain in the shadow of the more often played polonaises of the composer. Dostal brought out its hidden defiance in her intensive interpretation. The brisk treatment of rhythm delighted in the better known A major Polonaise of the same opus and prevented the mild tautology of the piece from becoming disturbing. The final piece of the concert was Johannes Brahms’s Variations on a Theme by Paganini Op. 35 which belongs to the most massive piano works of the composer. Dostal played the piece deeply musically, without indulging in superficial showmanship. This performance, as well as the whole concert, was marked by the honest musician’s deep respect for the composer." 7 July 2012, Jaakko Haapaniemi, Länsi-Savo (translated from Finnish) Terhi Dostal played a recital 5 July 2012 at Valery Gergiev Festival in Mikkeli. Photo by Laura Luostarinen. NEWS 6/2012Terhi Dostal's Doctor's Degree was conferred in a three day Sibelius-Academy Conferment Ceremony in Helsinki, Finland, 1-3 June 2012. She also received the traditional Finnish academic hat. More photos in the photo album. NEWS 5/2012![]() Born in Goa, India, Noel Flores studied in Madrid and Vienna. After playing many concerts that were highly acclaimed by the press, and winning few international prizes (like the first medal at the Geneva International Piano Competition), Noel Flores was offered a chair as full Professor at the University of Music in Vienna. His class has brought out several prize-winners of International Piano Competitions, few renowned teachers & international recording & performing artists.
Terhi Dostal misses deeply Prof. Flores, who was a wise, understanding and friendly man and a great musician and teacher.
Terhi Dostal played a recital at the new Musik Centre ("Musiikkitalo") in Helsinki in 3rd of May 2012.
Terhi Dostal played a concert in Lichtwarksaal, Hamburg, in the 16th of May 2012. In the picture, she discusses Brahms onstage with Philipp Cavert, a radio host from NDR. More Information on the concert here.
![]() NEWS 4/2012Right: Terhi Dostal after her concert in the Spiegelsall of Clärchens Ballhaus, 8th April 2012 (Photo by Paula Saraste). NEWS 2/2012Article about Terhi Dostal and Berlin (in Finnish)Terhi Dostalin haastattelu Satakunnan kansassa 19.2.2012 (kirj. Ilari Tapio): Sivu 1, Sivu 2 Ein Artikel über Terhi Dostal und andere finnische Künstler in Berlin auf Deutsch (Botschaft von Finnland, Berlin 2010). Pauliina Valtasaari and Terhi Dostal's concert in BerlinKommentar über das Konzert in Culturclash-Dickes-Berlin Friday 3 Feb 2012 at 7 pm / Freitag, 3. Februar 2012, 19:00 Uhr Schwartzsche Villa, Grunewaldstr. 55, 12165 Berlin-Steglitz In cooperation with the Finnland-Institut in Deutschland. 2.2.2012 Pauliina Valtasaari and Terhi Dostal in the "Berlin live" of the Berliner Morgenpost and at the website of the Eunic Berlin!NEWS 12/2011Terhi Dostal's concerts in Berlin:
2.12. at 7.30 pm Kulturforum Hellersdorf, Carola-Neher-Str. 1, 12619 Berlin 4.12. at 4 pm Gemeindesaal Ev. Kirchengemeinde Kladow, Kladower Damm 369, 14089 Berlin NEWS 5/2011Terhi Dostal has a concert tour with a Brahms programme in May! See details. NEWS 1/2011 Terhi Dostal gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl in the 17th of January, 2011. NEWS 11-12/2010: Terhi Dostal received her Doctor of Music degree in the 23rd of November, 2010. Terhi Dostal's new Brahms CD available! Terhi Dostal - Brahms Variations - Download the album from Equal dreams or - order the CD in the internet (Fuga) or - order the CD by email from yksinainen@peltirumpu.fi. |